PrefSuite is a complete solution for fenestration business. Where other applications are almost exclusively focused on production or other aspects.
PrefSuite integrates quotations and orders with the entire ERP process. PrefSuite offers multiple solutions for a company with a variety of points of sale such as distributors, dealers, and in-house mobile agents.
PrefSuite meets the needs of companies regardless of size. PrefSuite manages a wide product range (windows, doors, curtain walls, shutters…) and a complete raw material selection (aluminum, PVC, fiberglass, steel, wood . . .)


PrefGest is the coordinating component of PrefSuite. From the quotation, it optimizes the coordination and management of your company’s departments and divisions.

PrefGest allows scheduling production based on delivery commitments and coordinates production, materials management, purchasing, etc. in order to improve customer service levels.


PrefCAD is the module used for designing and modeling of fenestration products.

PrefCAD is user friendly and does not require the user to be intimately familiar with a CAD system.

PrefCAD models are designed with high precision, rendering an accurate object for the valuation and production of the design, along with the accurate cost estimations.


PrefWise is used to enter engineering data. This core data provides our knowledge based system with the ability to accurately depict fenestration products.

This in turn allows order entry, production, inventory, purchasing and the other business applications to function in a completely integrated fashion.

This integration reduces overall costs and increases productivity


PrefCAM is an extension of PrefWise and PrefCAD that appends information to the models with respect to their machining operations and enables the automatic transfer to CNC machinery.

PrefCAM is machine independent so it can be integrated to machinery (regardless of its brand) with no need to redefine each machining operation.


PrefCIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) is the result of the implementation of PrefCAD (Computer Aided Design) and PrefCAM (Computer
Aided Manufacturing).

The objective of PrefCIM is to provide users with a paperless environment with real-time feedback and increased productivity


PrefWeb is the first solution that exists at an international level for web management of a branded commercial network, with possibilities for multi-company and multi factory environments.

PrefWeb works with window objects and allows order entry and other multiple functions over the internet. The user can select models and make changes to all the required possibilities to perform quotations over the internet.

For more information you could download
software’s brochure from this link